


Here’s Our Summer Hair Care Checklist for 2018

April 6, 2018

Here’s Our Summer Hair Care Checklist for 2018

LiceMaster girl with book

Here’s Our Summer Hair Care Checklist for 2018

April 6, 2018

Summer is approaching. Soon, the flowers will be blooming, the birds will be singing, and the lice will be nipping on your scalp, waiting to fully infest the masses’ heads.

You know it’s going to happen, especially if you have kids in school. So why not prepare before hand?

Here are some tips that’ll help you take care of your hair and stay free of nits and lice.

Tips on Hair Care during Lice Season

Teach Your Kids Not to Share

Sure, sharing is caring but not when you have a lice outbreak at hand. Lice spread through head-to-head contact. So any head or hair accessory your kids use might transfer the lice from one head to another. Teach your kids the importance of keeping their accessories on their heads, or in their backpacks at all times.

Tie those Locks Up

If your kid has long hair, tie them up in a bun or a high ponytail. High hairdos keep their hair set together and bound. This adds an extra layer of protection, since their hair won’t be flying about, increasing their chances of catching lice if their hair does come in contact with someone else’s.


Especially if it’s lice season! Even if your child’s scalp doesn’t itch, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t double check to see if they do have lice. For many people, they don’t react to lice as they should i.e. they don’t feel itchiness or a crawling feeling on their scalp. It’s better to keep an eye out in case there is a hint of an outbreak.

Go to a Lice Clinic

Lice clinics like Lice Master in Weston and Plantation in Florida offer lice treatments as well as at-home services.

If you believe that you have lice, contact us straight away. Using natural, all-safe, non-toxic treatments, we make sure to remove every trace of lice without ruining your hair, so there’s no worry about hair damage either.

Don’t DIY

And lastly, stay away from home remedies and over-the-counter treatments. The ingredients used in these treatments and remedies are largely ineffective and can actually damage skin and hair because of their harsher effects.

Keep their hair clean, check their roots (and yours!) and use conventional methods of getting rid of lice, like going to a lice specialist for services. You’ll remain lice free all throughout the summer!

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