


3 Steps to Get Rid of Nits

March 15, 2018

3 Steps to Get Rid of Nits

3 Steps to Get Rid of Nits

3 Steps to Get Rid of Nits

March 15, 2018

Lice eggs – more commonly called nits – stick to the hair shaft and are quite difficult to comb out, even if you’re a good nitpicker. For those who have lice, it’s the nits that cause the most problem—they may rid their scalp of lice, but the nits still remain, waiting to hatch.

If you suspect that you have nits in your hair, it’s important to learn the best methods of removing them.

Method#1: Get Armed and Attack!

First, find out if you actually have nits. Dandruff can often be mistaken for nits and vice versa. Use a nit comb and search for the eggs at the base of your roots. As the moistest and warmest place for the eggs to mature, you’ll most likely find them there, glued to the shaft. The eggs will be of yellowish or white color. Using a nit comb, start combing out the nits and use warm water to loosen the eggs from the shaft.

Method#2: Try the Dunking Method

You could try drowning the lice by immersing your hair in hot water. The chances of the nits or lice dying aren’t that high; but at least you’ll be free of that itchy sensation for a while. Keep your hair clean and stay away from any over-the-counter medication or home remedies unless you want to damage your hair more.

Method#3: Visit a Lice Removal Service

Need a hand with nitpicking? A de-lousing service will do just the trick. Lice Master in Florida uses effective, natural treatment options and only hires professionals who know just how to remove nits and lice.

These treatments are free from chemicals and there’s no fear of an adverse reaction. Even if you only have nits, it’s best to go to a service that offers professional lice removal so there’s no fear of a re-infestation.

I Only See Nits, why is that?

If you can’t find a single louse in your crop, it could be that it has already died or has been transmitted to another body. Or it could be that your hair were not compatible with the female louse’s system (this is common if you use hair products like gels, hairspray and mousse).

If so, you only have a mild case of lice which can easily be prevented from spreading further.

By following the information above, you’ll easily be able to live lice- and nit-free without worrying about your hair health!

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