


How to Defeat Head Lice without Emptying Your Wallet

February 5, 2018

How to Defeat Head Lice without Emptying Your Wallet

How to Defeat Head Lice without Emptying Your Wallet

How to Defeat Head Lice without Emptying Your Wallet

February 5, 2018

The average family in Florida spends approximately 2-6 months (some even longer) trying to rid their child of head lice. First attempt at lice removal is usually conducted with an OTC chemical based product, which has to be repeated every 7 days.

A new lice infestation is almost always found two weeks after the initial treatment. How do parents handle this situation?

The usual response is to repeat the same process again, this time with more chemically formulated and expensive chemical treatments! Does the infestation go away? You bet it doesn’t!

Lice Happens to Everyone

This is a fact of life especially if you have children that go to camp or school. They will end up with a bad case of lice at least a few times over the years!

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, between six to twelve million children catch head lice every year!

Lice removal treatments don’t come cheap especially when parents have to pay repeatedly.

An Inexpensive But Effective Way of Lice Removal

As far as threats are concerned, head lice is as safe as bland cheese or jelly. Yet repeated treatments by an expensive specially formulated lice removal concoction can put a dent in your pocket!

Cost of removing head lice can be estimated at $1 billion a year. Why don’t parents try home remedies for treating head lice? First of all – there aren’t any clinical studies that support effectiveness of home lice removal remedies. Secondly, most of the remedies make a mess out of this task.

So, what method works best when it comes to lice removal? What treatment is also affordable and safe?

Professional Lice Removal Centers Sprouting All Over Florida

Some people are just not emotionally willing to deal with head lice infestations, be it in their own hair or their child’s. Add in the busy lifestyle of parents today (which leaves no room for lice removal) and you have yourself a problem.

Professional lice removal clinic Lice Master comes to the rescue in such cases. Offering some of the most effective lice removal services, friendly staff and state-of-the-art clean facility – Lice Master takes the cake away.

Parents with children going to schools that implement the no-nit policy can also breathe in relief, seeing Lice Master offers one-time treatment and a no-lice certificate. Make an appointment today!

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