


Why Some People Get Lice When Others Don’t

March 18, 2018

Why Some People Get Lice When Others Don’t

Why Some People Get Lice When Others Don’t

Why Some People Get Lice When Others Don’t

March 18, 2018

Almost everyone gets lice, and those who don’t are the lucky ones.

But this doesn’t mean that getting lice is something to be horrified about. Lice are a common cosmetic inconvenience, and should be regarded as such. Hair health and scalp cleanliness are also not a factor if you’re worried. Lice suck the blood from your scalp. To them, it doesn’t matter if the head is clean or dirty. In fact, they’ll have an easier time in clean hair since it’ll be easier for them to move around.

So toss away the misconception that you have lice because you have dirty hair or because you didn’t keep your home clean.

Lice can spread in any household. And every person gets lice, at least once in their lifetime. If they don’t, they were either lucky or knew how to prevent lice before the outbreak.

Who’s More Susceptible to Lice?

Children, mostly!

But lice outbreaks are not limited to them. Children have a greater chance of getting lice because they tend to socialize more with one another on a personal scale. They play and have head-to-head contact which allows the lice to walk from one head to another easily.

As this happens, parents and other household members also become vulnerable to lice infestations because they’re in close proximity to the person with lice, and that carries on.

Also, women and girls are more susceptible to contracting lice because they have longer hair, which makes it easy for the louse to hold onto the strands.

Preventing Lice Outbreaks in Your Household

If you want to be one of the lucky ones who never have to deal with lice, here are some preventative measures you can follow:

  • Learn not to fear them – Most of us are disgusted with lice, and it’s okay. But if you want to be rid of them, you’ll have to familiarize yourself with how they look, what the nits look like and how to prevent them so you can take the necessary steps.
  • Do routine checks – Especially if you know that someone in the house has lice. Lice are fast and tiny, but it’s fairly easy to detect their presence. If you scalp itches a lot (and not because of dandruff), check your head. Use a nit comb and check your roots, especially at the base of your neck and behind the ears.
  • Keep your hairbrush separate – Hair accessories, hats, gloves – anything that comes in touch with your head will allow lice to spread. Keep your brush in a Ziploc bag and away from other people to prevent an outbreak.
  • Contact a lice removal service for a house inspection – This is the best way to make your home lice-free. Home inspection services ensure that you have a lice free home, and use special equipment to remove lice if the evidence is found.

What Do I Do if I Have Lice?

Contact us or come to our lice treatment center in Kendall-Pinecrest, Florida!

As a professional lice removal clinic, we have everything you need to remove lice. We use pesticide free lice removal treatments that not only target lice but also nourish your hair so there’s no worry about any negative reaction at all.

It’s easy to prevent lice. Just follow our instructions and you’ll live a happy lice-free life!


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