


Ways of Killing Head Lice – And One That Works!

February 6, 2018

Ways of Killing Head Lice – And One That Works!

Ways of Killing Head Lice – And One That Works!

Ways of Killing Head Lice – And One That Works!

February 6, 2018

Parent handling a lice infestation for the first time: Crying and sobbing – cringing at the sight of the once white sheet now blackened with dead lice.

Parent handling a lice infestation for the hundredth time: What… again? When will this torture end? Have I signed a lifetime deal with pesky head lice or something? Angry crying follows… and a lot of red wine.

The number of times you need to handle a lice infestation doesn’t matter when it comes to being prepared for the next attack! In a country where 6 to 12 million kids get head lice each year – you can imagine the amount of tears shed by parents trying to get rid of the pest!

Worst of all, there are so many lice removal treatments available in the market that choosing the best and most effective often become difficult.

Lice Master understands the dilemma! Following are some ways of killing head lice and one that really works!

Blasting the Critters with Hot Air

Many homeowners and even lice salons believe in this lice-killing treatment. Unfortunately, hot-air methods proved effective in killing nits only. You will still need to find out an effective lice eradication method!

Dunking Hair inside a Pool of Water

Ever tried dunking your head underwater as a child during your daily bath? Now people have actual reason to perform this feat according to DIY advocates.

The idea behind dunking the head in a body of water is to drown head lice— Immersing hair under water in the sink or bathtub is supposed to suffocate them! Want a word of advice? Don’t do this at home or anywhere!

Lice can survive easily under total submersion for many hours at a time. Not even chlorinated water is effective in killing head lice.

‘Shrink-Wrapping’ Your Child’s Hair

Okay so this technique doesn’t involve plastic of any kind despite the name. Parents, don’t pick up the shrink-wrap and cover the head or even hair as this is dangerous!

How is the technique actually implemented? A non-toxic product is applied to dry hair, followed by combing out as much as possible and then blowing hair dry.

This is done for 3 times at one-week intervals. Does it work? Nope… not even close.

Dousing Hair with Vinegar

Vinegar is the miracle cleaning hack for almost anything but does it kill lice just as effectively? The short answer is no, of course.

However, people who swear by vinegar don’t really market the common household item as a way to kill lice but aid in nit picking. Vinegar has amazing acidic properties that can dissolve the sticky glue secreted by the female louse to attach nits to the hair shaft.

The acetic acid in vinegar helps to prepare hair for nit-combing after using a bug-killing treatment.

But is this method effective? Just like many lice removal home remedies, no evidence exists that using vinegar is effective in killing lice or even nits. Granted, all methods shared above are unconventional but many believe these actually work!

What does actually work? Manual nit and lice picking are obvious winners for many reasons! Call Lice Master and conduct inspection and treatment of the entire family today!

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